Seto Shuzoten, a renowned sake brewery nestled in the picturesque Kanagawa Prefecture, has a rich history dating back to the first year of the Keio era in 1865. While they temporarily halted sake production in 1980, their passion for the craft led them to revive their brewing activities in 2018, much to the delight of sake enthusiasts.
What sets Seto Shuzoten apart is their unique approach that blends traditional Japanese sake brewing methods with contemporary innovations. By marrying age-old techniques with modern creativity, they craft sake that boasts exquisite textures and rich flavors that appeal to both traditionalists and modern palates alike.
Located in the serene countryside of Kaisho-cho, Seto Shuzoten benefits from the pristine natural surroundings that enhance the quality of their sake production. Whether you are a seasoned sake connoisseur or someone eager to delve into the world of traditional Japanese culture, a sip of Seto Shuzoten's sake promises a delightful experience that harmonizes the essence of tradition with a touch of innovation. Cheers to a taste of history and innovation in every glass of Seto Shuzoten sake!