Sake Dinner Event - Unkai at Sheraton Hotel HK

A Sake Pairing Dinner event took place at the Japanese Washoku Restaurant, "Unkai," located within the Sheraton Hotel.

The sakes featured are:

  1. 愛宕の松 特別純米 Atagonomatsu Tokubetsu Junmai

  2. 壺天大吟釀KotenDaiginjo

  3. 伯楽星 純米大吟釀 「光」Hakurakusei Junmai Daiginjo “Hikari”

  4. 秋の美祿 純米吟釀 Autumn Biroku Junmai Ginjo

  5. 与謝娘 純米大吟釀 五百万石 Yosamusume Junmai Daiginjo

  6. 蒼天伝 Ocean Memory 特別純米 海中熟成 Sotenden Ocean Memory Tokubetsu Junmai

  7. 超荔枝酒 Super Lychee Liqueur

The dinner event was a grand affair, with 37 distinguished guests gathered to enjoy an exquisite dining experience. Among them, the majority were esteemed VIP customers of Unkai, each bringing their own unique presence to the elegant setting. Laughter and conversations filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere that reflected the special bond shared among the attendees. As the evening unfolded, the guests savored not only the delectable cuisine but also the warmth of camaraderie that enveloped them, making the event a truly memorable occasion for all.

Tasting Menu and Sake Tasting Notes

As they sipped their sake, the LYDB staff exchanged stories and laughter, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Each person shared their unique perspective on the delicate flavors and aromas of the Japanese sake, deepening their appreciation for this traditional beverage. The room was filled with the sound of clinking glasses and the hum of contentment, as bonds were strengthened over shared experiences and a mutual love for this age-old drink. It was moments like these that reminded them of the importance of coming together, celebrating diversity, and embracing the simple pleasures in life.

Hans Chiang